Books on gun control in america

Part of the pattern includes vigorous debate about guns, gun laws. Few social issues have produced more exaggerated claims and contention among americans than the struggle to control gun violence. Chapter 10 there should not be stricter gun control laws 5. The battle over the right to bear arms in america w. The information and statistics all seem to contradict each other, and everyone has such strong opinions about guns that there must be a right one. The battle over the right to bear arms in america by adam winkler. One would be forgiven for thinking that the gun contro debate has not changed much over the years. After all, this tragedy is the latest in a very long series of mass shootings in the us. A compelling and engagingly written look at one of america s most divisive political issues, disarmed illuminates the organizational, historical, and policyrelated factors that constrain mass mobilization, and brings into sharp relief the agonizing dilemmas faced by advocates of gun control and other issues in the united states. In gunfight, adam winkler traces the guncontrol battle. Here you will be given an engaging and insightful look into the world of guns and gun control. This book has a great sense of righteousness and equality in every statement it gives. L ast weekends massacre in orlando reignited the debate over gun access in america.

We all want our loved ones and communities to be safe. There are no easy answers to the debate about gun control. To many, the answer is to enact more restrictions on legal access to firearms. Guncontrol proponents wondered why shooter omar mateen, once included on the fbis terrorist watch list, was able to. Discover librarianselected research resources on gun control from the questia. Kennedys death increased public awareness of the relative lack of control over the sale and possession of firearms in america. A compelling and engagingly written look at one of america s most divisive political issues, disarmed illuminates the organizational, historical, and policyrelated factors that constrain mass mobilization, and brings into sharp relief the agonizing dilemmas faced by advocates of gun control.

Neal knox was not widely known outside of the firearms community, but in his day h. They say america has always been a gun culture but its also been a guncontrol culture. In a library, books representing the spectrum of the debate await on our. Americans have a deeply ambivalent relationship to guns. If you only read one book about the gun debate in america, it should be this one. Gun control in america is really a big debate and this book has tackled this topic perfectly. Gun control became a much bigger topic shortly after the november 22, 1963 assassination of president john f. Fuelling the emotional fire in debates between firearm groups such as the national rifle association nra and gun control advocates is the dispute over the importance of guns in american culture. Gun control proponents wondered why shooter omar mateen, once included on. This support for gun control, by the way, is pretty bipartisan. Winkler examines the early history of gun rights and gun control in the united states. His academy awardwinning movie bowling for columbine opens the eyes of viewers of gun violence in america.

In other words, people are largely pro gun control its the politicians who arent. Americas gun owners need to have a strong understanding of. Many gun owners use that argument in the effort to stop gun control groups from infringing on their second amendment rights. Omnibus crime control and safe streets act of 1968 1968. A short reading list to make your gun debate smarter american. These books will make you think differently about the gun. The hidden history of guns and the second amendment by. State constitution articles concerning weapons 141. Marianne williamson among the many hidden truths about our gun culture and politics thom reveals are the prerevolutionary connections of guns and slave control, as. Minimizing the use of guns may not diminish the crimes because it is on the hands of the user that matters. In the united states the right of the people to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the constitution, but has been variously interpreted through the years. Amnesty international is offering a movement of combined research, government advocacy, public education and grassroots activism to work towards a world where everyone can live free. The story is offered as is for informational purposes to people who may find the topic interesting.

Recruitment of kids to the gun culture some illustrations omitted. Baum shows both sides of the gun culture in america, bringing an entire world vividly to life, and in doing so helping to find a middle ground in the gun debate, where actual conversation can take place. Taking his typically indepth, historically informed view, thom hartmann examines the brutal. The parallel in wording between nazi germanys 1938 weapons law and the the 1968 us gun control act is unnerving. The full story on this sad constitutional conundrum is clearly, and interestingly explained by adam winkler in his book gun fight. The debate over gun control has been inescapable since last december. Advocates on this side of the debate propose measures such as stricter eligibility requirements for age and mental he. Since then, he has written more than 24 articles for various journals on guns and gun control. Prohibits the transfer of firearms to certain classes of persons, such as convicted felons. Here are three books that bring intellectual rigor and analysis to both sides of the american gun control debate. A cultural history of gun control in the united states this book examines the controversies surrounding gun control in the u. The united states leads all nations in rates of private gun ownership, yet stories of. Ill take that as a cue to shamelessly plug neal knox the gun rights war.

Acts of gun violence, particularly mass shootings of unarmed innocents, shake us to our core. Moore presets his thoughts on gun control in a way that does not offend the audience but to informs them on the subject. The availability of guns is controlled by nations and localities throughout the world. The ten mustread books for gunrights proponents dave kopel. Days after a mass shooting in las vegas left 59 dead, books that ponder the gun control debate and effects of these tragedies. List of books and articles about gun control online research. Gun control in the united states by gregg lee carter book resume. The mass shooting in las vegas on sunday evening, which left 59 dead and hundreds injured, has reignited the debate over gun regulation in the united states. This book about the history of guns in america and most importantly, what should be the future of guns in america is important, mindopening, and profoundly helpful.

Over the weekend, americans witnessed the 377th mass shooting of 2017 when a domestic terrorist took the lives of 28 men, women, and. Where this book is most interesting and useful is in the sections in which mr. The big push to outlaw guns in america is part of a larger agenda to dismantle and destroy the united states of america from within. We all want to live free from fear of gun violence. Gun rights supporters gather at a guns across america rally at the texas state capitol in 20. When you finish reading the book you may not like what youve read, but it does explain why one of the most advanced nations in the world is grappling with such an archaic constitutional amendment. Gun policy is among the most controversial topics in the united states. The hidden history of guns and the second amendment thom hartmann, the most popular progressive radio host in america and a new york times bestselling author, looks at the real history of guns in america and what we can do to limit both their lethal impact and the power of the gun lobby. This is where this book on gun control comes to help. Chapter 9 there should be stricter gun control laws 129.

This balanced, objective examination of the gun control debate in america gives the general reader access to contemporary research on both sides of the argument. Bowling for columbine michael moore is one of the most famous directors at documentary based movies. Requires that gun manufacturers, importers, and persons in the business of selling firearms have a federal firearms license ffl. Its a collection of my late fathers writing which i compiled, edited, and annotated. Key g general interest s special interest expert directory entry. Gun control research gun control research guides at. Why pass more gun laws, when there are 20,000 of them on the books that should be enforced. What to read if you want to understand the politics of guns in america. Is the fondness for firearms, truly part of a venerable american. Northeastern university press, 2001, by alexander deconde multiple formats at northeastern start em young. Gun control books, nra, mass shootings, gun control in usa street, christopher on.

Eric gayap and it was very much coded in racial terms. While other developed peer countries also have high rates gun. Understanding the true nature of gun violence and gun culture in the usa is as much about developing the ability to think critically about statistics and society as it is determining whether we. This is a human rights crisis, and we must act together. List of books and articles about gun control online.